
“Talmud Torah” and provided  mainly religious education at  primary school level for children between the ages of 6-13 .

Yeshivot, on the other hand, were  institutions that provided religious education at a higher level and always located adjacent to synagogues. Educators in both educational institutions were rabbis.

Yeshivot, on the other hand, were  institutions that provided religious education at a higher level and always located adjacent to synagogues. Educators in both educational institutions were rabbis.

Alliance  initiated an educational programme to ensure the economic and spiritual development of the Eastern Jewish communities  that included İzmir. This provided new possibilities for Izmir Jews to face the socio-economic crisis in which they were.

In the last quarter of the 19th century,Alliance’s intervention in the education system of Izmir Jews modernized the curriculum of traditional schools and established secular modern schools.

In additiıon to the boys’ school in Izmir, Alliance established Girls School, Industrial Girl School; Industrial School for men (Apprenticeship School), Merchant School and Public school. Separately, Alliance’s middle schools in Tire and Bergama were established.

Alliance succeeded in introducing some modern changes into Talmud Torah’s traditional educational programme.(Cuinet, 1894: 462;AVS, 1307: 279; Bora, 1995: 163; Nahum, 2000: 125-126).

Alliance also  founded “Or Yehuda”, an agricultural  school near Izmir (Bora, 1993: 389-390).