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İzmir’in Kültürel Zenginliği – Yahudi Kültür Mirasının Sürdürülebilirliği Projesi Tamamlandı
Avrupa Birliği tarafından ortak finanse edilen, İzmir Musevi Cemaati Vakfı koordinatörlüğünde ve Kentimiz İzmir Derneği proje ortaklığında 2020 yılı Ağustos […]
Yahudi Kültürü Üzerine Hazırlanan Dört Yayın, İzmir’in Miras Literatürünü Zenginleştiriyor
İzmir Musevi Cemaati Vakfı koordinatörlüğünde üç buçuk senedir yürütülmekte olan İzmir’in Kültürel Zenginliği – Yahudi Kültür Mirasının Sürdürülebilirliği projesi ile […]
İzmir Yahudi Kültür Mirasını Yaşatmak Üzere Ortak Manifesto Hazırlandı
Avrupa Birliği tarafından ortak finanse edilen, İzmir Musevi Cemaati Vakfı önderliğinde yürütülen “İzmir’in Kültürel Zenginliği – Yahudi Kültür Mirasının Sürdürülebilirliği” […]
Kültür Mirası
İzmir Yahudi Kültür Mirasından Örnekler

Eski Yahudi Mahallesini Keşfedin
Sinagoglar, kortejolar, mahalleler, sokaklar, okullar...
Yahudi Kültür Mirasının İzmir İçin Önemi
Izmir impressed me a lot. I had the chance to be in many cities of the world, but I was amazed here. Izmir has a cultural heritage that is unique anywhere in the world. There are only 10 synagogues so close to each other here in the world. If this potential is revealed, there may be an incredible tourist influx to İzmir. I am ready for any kind of support for this project.

Daniel Libeskind
I would like to start by reminding one of our Ata's words: Peace at Home, Peace in the World. We are in a city where different faith groups and different ethnic groups live in peace and harmony. What really matters is to preserve the traditions of the city. Because they are the legacy of those before us. A mayor has to protect that heritage first. For this reason, we will present this great wealth and heritage to the whole world.

Tunç Soyer
Mayor of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality
It is one of our main duties to embrace the historical richness of Konak with all its colors and all cultures with love. We know very well the value of our unique history. We will carry Konak to the future by protecting our thousands of years of history. And we will do our best to preserve this unique texture and to ensure that all cultures in our archaic city live.

Abdül Batur
Mayor of Konak Municipality
The Jewish Cultural Heritage in Izmir is very important for both Izmir and us. We want to restore these structures, which have rare features in the world and bring them to life as soon as possible. Thus, we wish to develop the tourism potential of Izmir. I believe that with this project, which will last for 3 years, we will better explain ourselves to the world.